Time Left
125 days
Open Quest
New York Rangers Rally Quest
Freeze 20 highlights where the player featured in the highlight is on the team playing against the New York Rangers
Turn the tables on your opponents with the New York Rangers Rally Quest! Now's your chance to put your collection to work and get rewarded with a new Heroic Highlight! Freeze 20 highlights where the player featured in the highlight is on the team playing against the New York Rangers. Your frozen highlight editions will be removed from your collection and eliminated from circulation, leaving your mark on the NHL Breakaway collection forever! Each highlight frozen for quest completion must be unique, but repeat players are permitted. Please note that more highlights will be added to eligibility as they are released. This is an exclusive quest which means frozen highlights will not be eligible for other quests.
Freeze Deadline
Aug 01, 06:59 AM UTC
0/20 Highlights Frozen
Build your collection and find one of each unique collectible required in this quest.
Collected highlights
Freeze the required number of collectibles to complete the quest requirement before time runs out.
Frozen highlights
Complete the quest before the timer runs out and you’ll be airdropped the quest reward!
Completion Rate
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In Progress

Freeze 20 highlights where the player featured in the highlight is on the team playing against the New York Rangers

You have 0 Highlights that match the criteria of this quest in your collection

How To Play

  • If you collect and freeze all of the required number of highlights described in the rules of the quest by July 31, 2025 at 11:59pm PT to complete the New York Rangers Rally Quest, you will receive a free airdrop of an Exclusive Heroic Highlight. You must freeze the required number of highlights described in the rules of the quest from the pool of eligible highlights for the quest by the deadline to receive the reward.
  • Eligible highlights for the quest can be found on the “Eligible” tab of the quest page.
  • Any and all of your frozen highlights will remain frozen until Oct 3, 2025 at 12:00pm PT, whether you complete the quest or not.
  • If the quest is not completed by you, your highlights will be automatically unfrozen on Oct 3, 2025 at 12:00pm PT, at which time you will again be able to transact with those highlights.
  • If the quest is completed by you, your highlight editions used to complete the quest requirement will be surrendered forever and permanently removed from your collection.
  • Reward will be delivered via airdrop on or about Oct 3, 2025 at 12:00pm.
  • Everyone will receive the same collectible as a reward for completing the quest by the Freeze By date.
  • The edition numbers for each reward will be awarded based on completion place.
  • Reward edition numbering remains subject to adjustment until final delivery.
  • The edition number of the highlights frozen to complete the quest has no impact on the edition number of the reward the collector will receive.
  • Limit of one (1) free quest completion reward for each authorized user. A quest can only be completed once by each authorized user.  It is prohibited here and on the NHL Breakaway Platform to hold or control multiple accounts to evade rules.
  • Free highlights are provided “as is” while supplies last and, at all times, subject to these Campaign rules, the Terms, including maintenance and use of a single authorized account in good standing. It is prohibited here and on the NHL Breakaway Platform to hold or control multiple accounts, to loan highlights to complete quests, or to otherwise act in a manner designed to evade rules or terms. Published dates and times are best estimates subject to change.