Time Left
41H 56MIN
Open Quest
Fresh Sweaters Launch Quest
Freeze 6 highlights from the Fresh Sweaters set
Celebrate the excitement of a fresh start by freezing 6 highlights from the Fresh Sweaters set. Complete the Quest to earn a Fresh Sweaters Quest Reward Pack (Core) - remember, the number of new packs we create is based on how many users complete the Quest. Each new reward pack is guaranteed a new Core highlight from the Fresh Sweaters set. Each highlight frozen for Quest completion must be unique.
Freeze Deadline
Nov 23, 07:59 AM UTC
0/6 Highlights Frozen
Build your collection and find one of each unique collectible required in this quest.
Collected highlights
Freeze the required number of collectibles to complete the quest requirement before time runs out.
Frozen highlights
Complete the quest before the timer runs out and you’ll be airdropped the quest reward!
Completion Rate
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In Progress

Freeze 6 highlights from the Fresh Sweaters set

You have 0 Highlights that match the criteria of this quest in your collection